
Earn powerup's and parts fast!

This it probably one of the best and easiest places to quickly find a cop and escape in seconds. You have to be around level 7 to teleport here. If you can't because your level is to low, just teleport to the nearest race.

1. Teleport to the team escape i marked on the map (Don't join, just teleport)
2. Turn around, and look at the right. There is a big wheel. That's what you have to use to escape from the police.
3. Find and hit a cop and drive back to the wheel and trample it down in front of the cop.
4. Drive back to the house where you'll find a fast cool-down icon. Run over to it and wait 2 sec

Reward: Depends on your level and how many cops you hit. You'll get around 60 rep and 100 $ for 15-30 sec.
Click here to watch a tutorial video!

Earn much money and rep!

Comming soon.

Fast tutorial:
Just teleport and drive around in the circle for 4-6 min, and try to disable as many cops as possible (more rep and money)

Then drive to the stadium - marked with a cooldown logo on the picture here.

At level 18 you'll get around 2,3k rep and 2,5k money for a 4-6 min pursuit.